The course is a follow-up to the course Business Development. As such, it deals with business activities that are intended to increase the profit, production, or service potential of an enterprise, using the method of case studies as the main teaching and students´ work vehicle. The course presents students with real management issues and serves as a springboard to lively classroom debate in which participants present and defend their analyses and prescriptions.
The purpose of the course is to - by using information and issues from successful companies - help students learn Business development by giving them the opportunity to study, analyze and evaluate Business development issues in a relevant, real life context. The case studies analyzed in the course comprise real business cases covering aspects of strategy, marketing, operations, organization and people management.
Module goal:
The course is a follow-up to the course Business Development. As such, it deals with business activities that are intended to increase the profit, production, or service potential of an enterprise, using the method of case studies as the main teaching and students´ work vehicle. This vehicle presents students with real and critical management issues and serves as a springboard to lively classroom debate in which participants present and defend their analyses and prescriptions.
Purpose of the course is to - by using information and issues from successful companies - help students learn Business development by giving the opportunity to study, analyze and evaluate Business development in a relevant, real life context. The case studies analyzed in the course comprise real business cases covering issues of strategy, marketing, operations, organization and people management.
Module annotation:
The module highlights key growth and development challenges facing contemporary firms. After completing the course, the student should be able to:
- build and evaluate real business strategies
- form marketing strategies and apply their tools
- build efficient operations
- manage changes
- optimize company organizations
- successfully align the main tools of people management with organization´s stratégy
Main topics of the course:
Main topics of the course cover
- building and analyzing business strategies and strategic perspectives. The main issues cover company aims and objectives, corporate mission, business expansion, risk, swot analysis, specific strategies in sectors of industry and types of business organization,
- business planning, business start-ups, corporate culture, external environment analysis including international business, business cycle, government influence, consumer protection, corporate responsibility and ethics, the role of corporate stakeholders, globalization, etc.

doc. PhDr. Ing. Jan Urban, CSc.---
Je absolventem VŠE a FF UK. Působí dlouhodobě jako univerzitní profesor a v manažerské praxi národních i nadnárodních firem jako konzultant pro otázky managementu, řízení lidských zdrojů a ekonomie. Působil a působí též jako poradce v několika mezinárodních firmách. Je autorem řady úspěšných manažerských monografií.